Piss poor excuse for a movie. It's disgusting as well because of the grown man that's into a freaking child. But the real criticism.
It wants you to believe later that the guy is the same guy from the begin but it's a completely different actor with short hair and a clearly middle aged dude where is the creep is young 20's. They both drive a black Mercedes van so that want to you to think it's the same guy but the plates are different. At the end of the film the dad forgets his own daughter name and accidentally calls her Tara when her name is Reagan and they just like. Left that in the film? Unless it was just trying to give you closure so you know the girl in the beginning was also safe? They did shove a bunch of expeditions into the last 5 minutes.
"Wow you are doing math I did last week"
"I like my new school"
"Hey by the way here is my new promotion check from my job"
"We have been through a lot"
"At least Tara us safe"
"Let's go to the Bahamas"
Just wtf lol. It's like they had to cut some stuff out or something but they still wanted people to know so they shaved that all on.
Acting was sub par except the kids. I thought their acting was alright.
When the daughter was missing the dad says with no emotion but just louder.
"Listen detective, this is my daughter here"
Just Jesus. Not everyone deserves to make a movie.