After watching the previous film in the franchise (Evil Bong: High 5) and not thinking highly of it, didn't expect too much from this sixth edition.
As a whole, Evil Bong 666 seems like the most bizarre, and like an entirely different type of film. From the tone, to lower budget cheaper cgi graphics.
Many of the original characters from the previous films aren't here, including Larnell. Rabbit and Eebee are the only recurring characters. Another thing which was bizarre enough is Robin Sydney (who portrays Luann/Sarah) is an entirely different character (Faux Batty Boop- a weird ditsy girl with clown paint- perhaps inspired by Harley Quinn).
Also Mindy Robinson (films 4 & 5) is a different character supporting a different wig and everything- did not realize it was her at first). She is essentially the lead here.
This film just moves at an off beat pace and feels to throw random elements to pass time. The entire "sexy hell" alternate world wasn't explained well enough.
Gingerdead Man is also here but somewhat wasted. Further an introduction to Gingerweed Man appears.
Overall this film isn't the same without Larnell and is the weakest in the franchise to date.