The show itself is crude, with a lot of sexual content regarding pubescent teenagers and their struggle with hormonal changes in relationship with the environment. I personally loved the pop-culture references and the humour, that although irreverent, reminds us the time when we thought and acted the same, even when ashamed of it, even when we knew it wasn't right, just because we felt like we HAD to do it,thanks to hormonal changes. The last concept is well impersonated by the hormone monster, a creature who keeps whispering to boys and girls how to feel and behave. Even when they don't want to, they just do what the hormone monster tells them to. Everything they see is catalyzed through their adolescent experience and impulses. I loved also how sex, and everything around it was reduced to something completely normal, along with fear, shame and envy. Because in the end, we all have been in those moments and thought like the protagonists do.