The Summit of the Gods: French animated film based on a Japanese Manga comic. About mountaineering and Everest in particular. A photo-journalist encounters a Japanese climber who has been missing for years, he seems to have Mallory's camera. This could answer the question: did Mallory and Irvine reach the summit of Mount Everest? The climber has a chequered past, tragedies as well as triumphs. After the death of a young climber he had a breakdown. A quest ensues, not just for the camera as the photographer realises that he has to accompany the climber on his attempt to climb Everest. A tale of derring-do and an exploration of what motivates people to risk their lives in pursuit of a dream. The animation makes the terror of avalanches, slips and hanging from a rope come to life but also the triumphs of achieving an objective. The story of Mallory and Irvine is intertwined with a fictional tale of obsession to good effect. Directed & co-written by Patrick Imbert. On Netflix. 7.5/10.