I get what Holiday is trying to do but it took far too long to get there. The world we occupy is not the same for all people. Indeed, people are compartmentalized and some simply belong together for better or worse.
In this case a sadistic Danish gangster and his seemingly innocent, young, gold digging, lover are not so far removed from one another as first impressions may suggest. Neither is normal. They share a violent, at times sadistically abusive, dysfunctional relationship that feeds off itself and binds them together. Much as they might resemble normal people they can't make the adjustment to the world outside of their twisted dynamic. When one of them tries, it ends badly and bloodily.
Its an interesting concept but its overly long lead in, where the ground is always shifting between perceived normalcy and sudden, abrupt brutality, is overdone. When this film does finally get where it inevitably has to go, its dissipated a lot of its energy, leaving the ending feeling a little anti-climatic.
In short, there's a lot to like here its a well crafted, unsettling experience but its approach needed to be reworked. In a sense it over explains itself and could have had more impact had it been shorter and more succinct. 6/10 from me.