PARTY OF 5 (1994) was a great TV series. It lasted 6 seasons. I'm beginning to think no one has a brain full of imagination anymore.. OR the powers that be that write or decide what to air are just too lazy to write or find an original story line. I would rather go back and watch the original than to allow someone to force their political agenda on me by changing the synopsis of a great show from the past.
You people out in Hollywood need to understand that with all the new technology out .. your viewers are not so naive anymore.. If you are going to do a remake.. that's fine.. Want to variate a little or enhance the story line... that's all good... but don't start infusing a "CAUSE" into the script... This will turn your viewers away faster than you can bat an eye. We get preached at, lied to, and fed false information so much within a day, the last thing we want is to have the same thing happen while we are trying to enjoy our down time. If you want to push the issue of immigration.. then make a TV show about it.. but don't hide it inside a well known much loved 90's TV series that everybody loved just the way it was written. Your remake will not be a success....