Given this 2018 movie's cover and synopsis, I must admit that I was hoping for a bit more than what "Apocalipsis Voodoo" actually turned out to be.
Writers José J. Ramallo, Sergio G. Ramos and Vasni Ramos just didn't really managed to cut it with the storyline that they conjured up collectively. Sure, "Apocalipsis Voodoo" was watchable, but it was mostly because of the feel of an old movie it had, and also because the entire movie was so far out there. The storyline itself was just really, really mundane. Nay, it was actually boring.
The acting in the movie matched the movie pretty well, so on that account director Vasni Ramos managed to get something right. And I will say that "Apocalipsis Voodoo" definitely had a colorful array of characters throughout the course of the movie.
Actually, it was the strange and weird characters that carried the movie a great length of the way. But with the lacking storyline, there was just only so much that the actors and actresses could do with these characters.
Overall, then "Apocalipsis Voodoo" was just too bland and too uneventful. I mean, a movie as far out as this 2018 movie turned out to be just couldn't sustain itself with the lack of a properly written storyline.
I managed to endure the movie to the end, but believe you me, it was a struggle at times. My rating of "Apocalipsis Voodoo" lands on a mere, but generous, three out of ten stars. This is hardly a movie that I would recommend. But hey, we are different people with different likes and dislikes, so who knows, "Apocalipsis Voodoo" might just be something right up your alley. This is by no means a movie that I will be watching a second time.