I stumbled upon the 2018 horror movie "Reborn" by sheer random luck. I picked it up, saw that iconic horror actress Barbara Crampton starred in it and seeing the movie being a horror, I was sold immediately.
And now that I have just finished watching "Reborn", I must say that the movie is definitely watchable. However, and yes there is a however here, the movie just wasn't outstanding or particularly memorable. Sure, there was a good sense of this being a horror movie like the way they used to make them in the late 1980s or early 1990s, so there is that nostalgia feel to it. But the storyline was just not all that captivating. And truth be told, there wasn't all that much of an overwhelming sense of horror throughout the movie.
The storyline and script was straight forward, and I must admit that the idea of someone being stillborn, then being abandoned and coming back to life was interesting, but translated to the screen at the hands of director Julian Richards then it didn't fare all that well.
The acting in the movie was definitely worthwhile, and it made sitting through the movie all the more doable and enjoyable. However, this is not award-winning performances, mind you, so don't get your hopes up.
Sadly the overall feel of "Reborn" was somewhat of a disappointment for me, because I had hoped for something more from a movie with Barbara Crampton and the concept idea that was presented in the storyline. The movie, while being watchable, is very forgettable, and this is hardly a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.
"Reborn" manages to land a very mundane and mediocre rating of five out of ten stars from me. The movie just feels too weak and vain in terms of being a horror movie.