Basically 2/3 Knightrider and 1/3 Herbie the Love Bug. Good directing, acting, editing, and special effects make this much much better than you would expect from a limited budget Disney sitcom. I found it appealing for all ages. The 8 episodes complete a story-arc so you can watch it and feel satisfied. (but wanting more!)
Sophie Pollano plays Layne Reed, a tightly scheduled over-achiever with two scientists for parents.
Sofia Rozinsky plays Zora, Layne's best friend, a rebellious home-schooled girl living across the street.
Brandon Rossel as Cody looks like a young Fonz or Teen Beach Movie biker. He provides Lane with help and a budding romantic interest.
Winslow Fegley as Mel, is Layne's annoying cousin who ultimately redeems himself.
The opening premise is that Lane hears someone calling for help from her neighbor's abandoned shed. She investigates and discovers VIN, a car with artificial intelligence and the maturity of a child. Get ready for cars chases, crazy stunts and sarcastic humor.
The producers hoped for a TV series but only got a contract for an 8 episode mini-series. Reportedly, Disney exec's wanted more of a silly Love-Bug story line. This puzzled me as I don't care much for Love Bug.