Do have to give some degree of respect to anything that deals with, or has elements of, the subject of online predators (and networks of them), the dangers and the consequences. It's not to put it lightly easy to explore, is clearly very scary from how it has been portrayed elsewhere and is relevant, one that's important to talk about and should be addressed more. So already before watching there was respect for 'Creep Nation'.
Would have had more respect for 'Creep Nation' if it was executed much better than it was. It's not particularly well made, even for something that's not low budget. Just to say too that even if a film didn't look good that is not an excuse to not put enough effort into everything else, there are plenty of films that are low in budget visually but do well in most of everything else. And it is neither creepy or illuminating enough, really admired the concept but felt that much more could have been done with it and that more could have been done showing the full horrors.
'Creep Nation' has moments of creepiness and tension later on when it briefly gains a little momentum.
The acting was not awful and wasn't exactly special either, but compared to everything else it was competent enough. Adam Seybold as the brother fares best. Did find Liv Collins didn't quite have the range or presence for the lead role though.
Visually, 'Creep Nation' has the look of the crew experimenting with techniques without thinking through or having much of a plan which ones to use and how to do them, as well as when. It all looks very unfocused. The sound also has that sense on top of being poorly recorded while the score is neither memorable or well used. Instead of adding to or enhancing the atmosphere, it distracts from it and at odds, not sounding like it belonged.
Not a particularly good job is done generating much tension from the script, which could have done with the tightening up and a read-through. The story takes far too long to find its rhythm, with in the too long first act too slow a pace and too little plotting. When it does briefly get going, 'Creep Nation' feels too much like a different film and one that has been seen many times before and with much more thrills and suspense those times. It is a frightening subject but executed too ordinarily and with not enough enthusiasm or tension.
It is not a terrible film as such but it just felt very bland and never really properly comes to life. 3/10