Looking at the cover of Alien Overlords you'd likely make some assumptions right? Alien invasion movie? Space ships? Lasers? Aliens? etc etc. Let me start right off the bat saying that it's not and it's one of the most deceptive movie covers I've seen in months.
Alien Overlords is filmed in a faux documentary format following a conspiracy theorist who claims to have evidence of government conspiracies and the infamous men in black. Is he a crazy old man or is there something to his claims?
The film has no action, it's essentially a "Talkie" and therefore very niche and certainly not what you'd likely expect. It follows the wacky conspiracy theory spouting man around as he begins to question everything and everyone around him.
The rants and conspiracies that you will hear are generally the classics from chemtrails to the government poisoning the water for population control, all head scratchingly silly stuff that scarily countless people believe. One of the other reviews on here is simply "If you cannot handle the truth, do not watch that docu-movie and continue to live your life sleeping" which I could say so much about but kind of demonstrates the theme of the movie perfectly.
I see the appeal of this, for those who adore real documentaries about similar themes and those who enjoy the X-files. For me however this was a bit of a drag, I guess I'm "Sleeping".
The Good:
Couple of interesting ideas
Nice monologue
The Bad:
Ultimately about themes that people in real life take too seriously
Hardly engaging stuff
Documentarian get's really annoying