If we were living in 'normal' times I doubt 100% Wolf would have had a cinematic release here in the U.K. however, without any summer releases from the major Hollywood studios this Australian animation has its moment to shine on the big screen
And shine it does. The animation is bright and breezy, the characters are all colourful and likeable and the voice cast is very good too. The chaotic story is fast paced and easy to follow for little ones but is still entertaining for adults too, even though it is a little predictable. It has a positive message as the narrative pushes the importance of what is happening on the inside rather than the outside. Plus there is plenty of silly humour to enjoy for both adults and kids alike.
I went to my local cinema with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised as was my seven year old daughter. It's nowhere near as polished or well crafted as a Disney or a Pixar animation however, it is just as good as anything from Illuminations, BlueSky or Sony Animations.
If you have a young family and you all want 90 minutes of escapism then 100% Wolf is worthy of your attention, especially since there is very little out there at the moment.
7/10 - A solid and enjoyable family frolic.