A religious mother of newborn twins is constantly awakened by the disturbing sound of her crying babies. Using a radio monitor to check on them at night, she encounters a series of unsettling events that might jeopardize even her own beliefs.
One single cast member and made by a guy who was on the special effects team for Watchmen, District 9 and Pacific Rim
Considering this is made by the same chap who did fellow horror short Shhh (2012) which I really enjoyed I expected more, so much more.
Canadian made it sees a religious nut hearing her newly born sprogs crying on their a bizarrely antiquated baby monitor but each time she checks on them they're quiet until it builds up to a shocking climax.
The movie makes you feel uncomfortable granted, doubly for me on account of the religious symbolism and pair of gross crotch goblins. Credit where credit is due there, it builds up the tension and then hits you with an ending that will very much appeal to the creature feature lovers.
You can tell the creator is a special effects guy because that looks the part, the trouble is it's still baby related and therefore gross for all the wrong reasons.
It's well made, it's visually impressive and our actress carries it competently. I just didn't like the subject matter.
Sorry I'm not joking, semen demons are to me what crucifix's are to vampires. They're gross and sticky and smelly and I just need them keeping away from me.............until they're at least 30 and still on a case by case basis.
The Good
-Well made
- Excellent special effects
The Bad