I recently saw this film at Chicago horror film festival.
The movie starts out with the theme music playing of the a black screen with on the word "overture" showing in white. This goes on for at least a minute before the word slowly fades out. As the music continues, the "production company" clip rolls and continues into the opening credits. The whole thing takes about 4 minutes of the 19 minute run time.
The young actors do a good, but overly dramatic job. The principal is very stiff. The acting is not helped by the editing. Instead of cutting to the dialogue, there are awkward pauses before anyone speaks.
The biggest issue is the almost continuous cross-dissolves. The dissolves were actually giving me a headache. The two images would merge and nothing would be clear or in focus. And these dissolves were slow and tedious. As the POV camera would start to stalk, the image would merge with something unrelated. It slow and frustrating. Scenes lacked proper cut-away and cut-to shots to help establish action and and scene climaxes were left totally ambiguous to what if anything happened.
If you removed 95% of the dissolves, and trimmed scenes for pace and dialogue, this movie would infinity more watchable. And the run time would be in the 10 minute range.