I have to say that in the world that we currently reside I am experiencing a huge amount of overwhelming doom, maybe even a constant existential crisis regarding the global climate situation. It feels crushing, and it SHOULD because of the severity of what we are facing.
Ice on Fire takes a different, and I would say, more important approach to how we will potentially and actually deal with the Herculean task of slowing down global warming. With incredible and committed minds focusing on technologies and strategies, Ice on Fire is far from gloomy. On the contrary, I left the movie with an overwhelming feeling of hope, and a passion to see what *I* could personally do, contribute to, study and research to participate in the solution. That felt like a gift, the lifting off of my (and so many other people who are committed to addressing the dangerous present and catastrophic future of climate change) shoulders the burden of powerlessness. We are NOT powerless.
We CAN do something. This documentary opens the critical dialog of what we need to be thinking about and acting on NOW, with a sharp eye to even more effective ways of taking responsibility for slowing down global climate change. THANK YOU for making this film, and at such an important moment in our history. Thank you.
I would like to add a special nod to the intensely beautiful cinematography. This world is irreplaceable, and seeing SO many beautifully diverse places on our planet made me cry at the potential of it's loss to all of us. Human beings are steering this ship, and every other inhabitant---who, unlike humans---cannot stand up and fight for it's protection. It is OUR responsibility, and we have HOPE of making the changes necessary to save our planet.