The first half and the second half are almost different shows, and I so wish I could review them separately because I'm so conflicted over this.
First half was 10/10, honest-to-goodness great. There were some good twists, some creepy psychotic grins, some incredibly fun characters that were either charming from the start or naturally grew on me. It was suspenseful at one moment, surprises at every turn, then ten minutes later my face hurt from smiling at these cops on a picnic or the budding romance in the background or just how proud a dad the Chief is. A wonderful mix of genres that had me rushing home from work to watch.
If only it were just ten episodes. If only. Because after episode 9 or 10, it just falls apart. No more than a 5/10. It becomes repetitive, sappy, and heartbreaking - not because of the drama, but because now it felt like a chore, like I was only watching the last episodes in order to finish this show I once loved. Shock factor only works so many times, so rather than continue to get emotional over these events, after a few episodes of the same old, I was numb to it. A right shame. I can't say much without spoiling stuff, just don't expect an ending nearly as strong as the beginning.
Is it worth a watch, though? Yeah, I'd say so. The first half was just that wonderful, and maybe you'll like the ending more than I did. But if you lose interest and it becomes a chore to watch, don't bother; the ending isn't that gratifying. Just go back and rewatch the cops try to teach an adult to ride a bike or when they go scare high schoolers instead. The good times.