The show's premise had me extremely excited but it absolutely fell flat in execution. It went from a show I was stoked to watch to something to put on in the background while I do something else. Maybe I'm being a little harsh since there's only been 4 episodes thus far (Bobby Mackey's was most recent) and I'll give it a few more, but rough start.
First, they use little to no equipment ala Ghost Adventures like mapping cameras, spirit boxes, etc and instead use pretty much only an EMF detector and a watered-down version of Ghost Adventures spirit box. It is all based on Jack and Katrina saying "this place is eerie" or "I feel a presence". Jack is terrible as he is terrified of his own shadow and Katrina is a disappointment because she's excellent in other shows she's been on
Second, they've got like 5-10 people in every shot and wonder why they don't pick up anything. They seem too terrified to go anywhere alone and after not picking up anything they call in "a psychic medium friend" who walks around and again just says "this place is haunted." The medium on the Eastern Penitentiary episode literally came on and said "I'm picking up that this is a place people came to die." No s***? It's a jail.
The Bobby Mackey's episode was the biggest disappointment of all because they had every opportunity to really capitalize on what Ghost Adventures started and instead went the route of running 5 people around together and a "automatic writer" that did nothing to really prove anything. 50% of the episode was watching some girl doodle words and say "they want to hurt you." If they ever run into something remotely paranormal, they book it the other way or leave it alone and go somewhere else. Also, the "producer" who needs to comment and guide them every few seconds gets annoying.