Yes, Tell me why because I just don't get it. What a waste of a disk pressing, the plastic case and printing a cover and slipcase. What channel are films like this made for? Certainly not the theatre. I never really understood taking the time to make a "Straight to the dollar bin" film. Not a drop of blood, not a single onscreen kill, no profanity, no nudity, not even an Aww Shucks. As a gay guy, let me say up front, having some Gay backstory has zero to do with my opinion when the film is this bad.
The barebones story would make a good horror flick, yet I should have known at 72 minutes (Which would have already gotten several points knocked off for laziness, as I do with anything under 90 mins) that this was going to be awful. My question remains sincere, I mean why bother taking the time and effort on every level to "Create" something like this. For who? Certainly not horror fans. If I had paid more than 1.95 for it I'd be furious.
It's one of the rare (I have near 3000 Blus, 4ks and DVDs in my collection now) that I reject fully, and will not allow in my collection, not cataloged, but set over there in the giveaway to neighbors pile. It's that empty and bad, on every level.