"The Enchanted Forest" is a film produced by lowly PRC, among the worst of the tiny so-called 'Poverty Row Studios' making B-movies. Normally, this would pretty much guarantee that the movie would be poor...at best. Oddly, however, here they had a genuine hit and it was the biggest grossing film the studio made.
The story itself is incredibly strange. Not necessary bad...just strange. It's almost like a fairy tale set in modern times. On one hand you have many people who want to cut down the forests and exploit nature. On the other, you have an odd old man who loves nature and is very kind and gentle. In fact, Old John (Harry Davenport) can TALK to the animals as well as hearing nature talk to him...making him almost like Dr. Doolittle and John Muir combined.
Old John's life is changed one day when he discovers a baby lost in the wilderness. It seems the child was aboard a train that was struck by a landslide....and the child was assumed to have died. Instead, Old John raises the boy and teaches him his love of the wild. Later, the boy's mother, who survived the accident, returns to the forest. What's next? See the film.
Strange...but good. It hard to say much more because the plot is so unusual. And, unless you are the cynical sort, you'll probably enjoy this unique and engaging film.