Unlike many of the writer's plots,it is not a whodunit but pure thriller ;"Philomel cottage" was a short story which was often transferred to the screen (there's another version featuring Ann Harding );It's possible that the author was inspired by Charles Perrault 's fairy tale "Bluebeard" ,the basement replacing the bedroom the heroine must not enter.(a dark room in the 1937 effort) They also hint at "Blue beard " (reportedly inspired by one of Joan Of Arc's companions,Gilles de Rais) in this adaptation.
Probably to capitalize on the success of "gaslight" ,they set the action in the Victorian era and the hero became "Manuel Cortez ". But,and it's the main flaw :one knows from the start that the handsome soon-to-be-husband will do away with his spouse to latch onto her fortune;only "where " and "when" remain and it spoils the suspense which could have been successful ,a la "suspicion" ;John Hodiak is efficient with his beaming mile and his strong appeal,and ,furtively ,a hard look in his face .But Christie buffs will be better off with the first version (aka "a night of terror")starring Ann Harding and Basil Rathbone.