Decent entry in The Lone Wolf series. The plot about a stolen pearl necklace and fake duplicates, along with two gangs of competing baddies, is pretty convoluted. In fact, you may need a scorecard to keep track of the disappearing necklaces. Holding things together, of course, is the commanding Warren William as the reformed jewel thief turned amateur sleuth. As the Wolf, he does the tongue-in-cheek part well, so we never take things too seriously—a requirement for the many amateur detectives of the time. But what's this about the Wolf ooing-and-aahing over his rows of aquariums. Something fishy going on here. There's also good humorous support from Blore as the butler, while the two well-upholstered girls, Perry and Alwyn, supply tricky eye candy.
Frankly, I would prefer a more streamlined plot, (do we really need a second jewel thief gang), but the basic premise is a good one, and I like that first bit of necklace trickery where Jordan gets fooled by a seductive Binnie. Note that the story is from the now legendary blacklisted Dalton Trumbo, still working the B-movie level. On the whole, it's an entertaining hour without being anything special.