This TV series ran from 1954-57, with 82 25min. shows. Star Gail Davis was like the real Annie Oakley in spirit and skills, but the real Miss Oakley didn't inhabit the Wild West, except perhaps in her engagements with Buffalo Bill's Wild West shows. She was a native Ohioan who honed her shooting skills from a very early age, shooting squirrels and rabbits for her sizable family as well as for sale. Her father died when she was 6. Although she wasn't the oldest of the brood, she seemed to have a special knack for bulls eye shooting, even when she was 7 or 8. She was farmed out to several families or institutions in her older childhood, being treated like an orphan, running away at age 15 to seek her fame and fortune.
Gail Davis' fantasy Annie also seems to have been an orphan, although not explicitly stated. She lived with her younger brother, Tagg, and was usually found in the company of Deputy Sheriff Lofty. She didn't seem to have an official judicial position, despite her constant pursuit of trouble. It's like she was a bounty hunter with no interest in collecting the bounty. She usually brought 'em back alive. In the 4 episodes I've recently seen, neither she nor Lofty killed any badmen, although they sometimes shot the badman's gun out of his hand or otherwise wounded him. Strangely, the sheriff never seemed to be around town, so local crime fighting was the exclusive domain of her and Lofty. Lofty usually did the physical fighting with badmen, while both were expert shots. In this respect, they were rather like the team of the real Annie and her husband, who also managed her career.
You can find the series on DVD. Also, many are available at You Tube.