I can understand some folks being frustrated with this film. After all, it's a really good crime film...until the leading man goes to a Billy Graham crusade and devotes his life to God. This must have come as a surprise to many. But despite (or perhaps because of) this, it's an enjoyable flick.
Jim Vaus (Bill Williams) is a habitual liar. While in the military during WWII, he's arrested and sent to prison for theft...but he never reveals this to his sweetheart. Later, after they marry, he begins to do some very shady business with mobsters...and yet again he lies to his loving wife. Lying and cheating have become a part of him...and it sure wasn't doing his marriage any good! But one day, when things were lowest, he went to a Billy Graham rally and soon he tells his boss he's out of the business for good. This could mean that he'll get his head blown off...but he's tired of the lies.
The acting in this is better than a few reviewers said (at least in my opinion) and it's a good film. I just wish folks knew what to expect as his conversion likely blindsided many viewers...taking a noir film and turning it into an evangelistic (though not too heavy handed) film.