This is the kind of film , as a theatrical designer, I fast forward through to see if it's visually worth looking at--- I should say, I will watch a film no matter HOW BAD it is, if the sets and costumes look interesting ( and this is NOT a great film)--BUT--- This film is OUTSTANDING visually for it's over-the-top costume and set design (God, those Italians know HOW to do it RIGHT!) It was made in the, shall I say, "Golden Age of Sword & Sandal Epics" from the mid 50's to early 60's-all with bad scripts, bad overacting, bad dubbing, battle scenes-usually with someone revolting against a tyrant, some has-been American actors, lots of muscle guys and busty babes!--get the picture? Rhonda Fleming was one of the most gorgeous American actresses and looks fantastic in these luscious costumes and hairdos- 6 out of 10 just for the EYE-CANDY!