A QUEEN FOR CAESAR is a plodding peplum adventure charting the early life and times of one Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, forever caught up in the power struggles of her bother, her courtiers, the Roman Empire, and the various soldiers and generals in her employ. What should be a lavish and spectacle-filled adventure turns out to be a low-budget effort that consists of various characters jawing in the most yawn-worthy way.
Pascale Petit makes for an attractive and distinctive-looking Cleopatra, but even Amanda Barrie did a better job in CARRY ON CLEO. The story never seems to get beyond having Cleopatra at the mercy of various guys, some of them good, some of them bad, and being imprisoned. The power struggles are dealt with in the most rote way imaginable and the presence of genre regulars like Rik Battaglia and George Ardisson does nothing to lift the spirits. Watch out for Gordon Scott who appears late in the story as a miscast Caesar.