First, a confession - I was ready to like this film even before I saw it, because it was based on a classical text set in Greece ("Chloe and Dafnis", an early romance). What I wasn't ready for was the frank exploration of attraction, sex and perceived self-worth that this film offers. Imagine if someone was able to capture the essence of the mating ritual, stripped of nearly all its cultural clutter. That is what this film does, and in hauntingly beautiful tableaux vivants.
What happens in the film? Well, the film opens in the distant past, as group of shepherds arrive at a new location to water their animals. On arrival, a young boy finds a local girl fishing and begins a tentative courtship. At the same time, an older shepherd does the same with a bird-catcher. But who is falling into whose nets? As we watch both couples, a series of themes are presented. Why are we aggressive in love? What do we understand of the engines of attraction? Can we ever come to know one another, or are we always strangers wandering? This film, shot in the early 1960s, gives its viewers questions that are far more modern than expected, and yet as old as the subject itself. This is a love story, provided that you understand that love is an absolutely unfathomable mystery.