A young man returns home after a few years to find nasty gunhands after his Pa's ranch and pretty young barmaid girlfriend. Davis is pretty much a cipher as the young man with a past - he's made out to be a rebel who left home vowing never to be taken advantage of again. One suspects he was attractive and charismatic as a real person, because the camera barely notices him, much less likes him. He only comes to life when teamed with his old flame, a winsome Anna Maria Alberghetti - the camera DOES like her. So do the makeup artist and the costumer, giving her plenty of pastel lipstick, a pointy bra and low neckline. She doesn't do much as a catalyst, but she does have the most effective close ups. The other star, if you're not seeing a scoped version, would be the Cinemascope shots of the old West. Camerawork is not complicated, as if it were more important to focus on frame content than using a pan or swoop close up. However, all of the elements of a low grade western are evident, right down to the "duel" of the title. Good for a rainy afternoon if nothing else is on, otherwise mostly forgettable unless you're an Anna Maria fan.