Back in the 1950s and 60s, Roger Corman made a long string of low budgeted films that managed in all but one case to make money. Amazingly, the one that lost money was one of his best..."The Intruder". Here he is again with "Rock All Night"...a film far, far better than you'd expect given its production values and very simple plot.
The entire film is set in a bar. One by one, various folks come and go into the place until, ultimately, two hoods show up and hold everyone hostage...and killing one of the innocent patrons. The only guy who isn't afraid of these thugs is Shorty (Dick Miller) and, inexplicably, the pair don't seem to know what to do with him as he mocks them. What's next? See the film.
There are quite a few reasons to watch the movie. First, the music is often amazing--with the Platters singing a couple of their best tunes and the little-known Blockbusters singing a delightful theme song. Sure, Julie (Abby Dlaton) sings a few klunkers--but she is supposed to be singing poorly. Second, seeing Miller was a treat and this familiar character in Corman films is at his best. Third, the craziest of the two thugs is played very colorfully by Russell of the last guys you'd expect to be playing such a part, as he was the Professor on "Gilligan's Island"! But he was very good...and the film quite enjoyable and yet another example of the quality pictures that filmmakers CAN make if they are stuck with limited funds. Well worth seeing.