As a child/teen I loved "77 Sunset Strip" and watched it every Friday night when I did not have a date. Stuart Bailey was my hero: intelligent, mature, ex-OSS, PhD in Sanskrit of all things (as established, if I remember correctly, in "Girl on the Run") and a private investigator. I missed "Girl on the Run" in 1958 but did catch it about 1980 and managed to make an audio cassette recording of it. Quite a fine piece of noir it is. Zimbalist is excellent (and if he were not I would still like him); O'Brien is convincing; and Byrnes does what may be his best work ever as a cold homicidal maniac for hire. One could not find anyone farther from Kookie than is Smiley. Contrary to what others have said, it is my impression that WB was so impressed by Byrnes work that they said in effect "This movie does not exist in the 77 Sunset Strip continuity so forget it and we will use Edd as our appeal to teen-aged girls in the series." They were so right that Byrnes never again was allowed to show his talent as an actor, so well displayed in this movie. By the time "77 Sunset Strip" appeared only Stu Bailey remained. Even the noir disappeared and though the TV series was great, something was lost. It seems a tragedy that WB has not released this film and the series on DVD. They had better hurry up as my generation is beginning to die off as we become senior citizens! Addendum, 5 Feb 2011: I have just watched "Girl on the Run" again on what might charitably be called a "grey market" DVD. It holds up even better than I had hoped. It truly is a fine bit of noir with a light touch.