Starring Jay North as Dennis, this comedy series dealt with the daily adventures of a young boy. Dennis is a whirling dervish of enthusiasm. He is not a bad kid, just the personification of boyishness. He likes slingshots, baseball, frogs, camping, toy guns, etc.
Most of the episodes concern Dennis' interactions with his next door neighbor, Mr. Wilson (Joseph Kearns), his antagonist. While Dennis genuinely likes Mr. Wilson, Mr. Wilson is ambivalent about the young boy's charms. Wilson is the perfect foil, being someone who likes order and quiet. His hobbies include gardening and bird watching. And he loves public recognition. Dennis' very nature threatens the orderliness of Wilson's world.
This series might be seen as a one joke comedy, but no more so than "Bewitched" was a one trick series. North is a fine child actor who really embodies the Dennis character. Despite the naïve carelessness of Dennis, the episodes often resulted in Dennis saving the day or somehow aiding Mr. Wilson.
After the death of Kearns in the middle of season three, the show's formula altered slightly. Those who think Kearn's acting was over the top might prefer Gale Gordon, who stepped in for the remainder of the series.