Into the world of Mexican wrestler movies we go. In this one a mad scientist, seeking revenge on his brother and sister-in-law, is resurrected from the dead by Waldo, his faithful servant who also happens to be a hunchback dwarf. Using his gang of zombie minions, he enlists the services of a wolfman, Frankenstein, a male and female vampire, a mummy and a cyclops. But that's not all because there are wrestlers as well - Blue Demon and Santo - it doesn't matter if they are in the ring, in the office or out driving their cars, they go about everywhere wearing their wrestler masks (well, of course they do). Anyway, Blue Demon is captured by the mad scientist and a replica of him is sent out to fight the hero, Santo along with the gaggle of monster villains. This one is chock full of ridiculousness from start to finish but it is top quality nonsense which never fails to entertain. There are lots of fights (it's a wrestler movie after all) and plenty of monster action. I seem to remember there was even a bossa nova song and dance routine thrown in as well. Great fun basically.