This ran in the US as "The Rock Follies" on Public Television and is probably the best dramatic series ever made about the rock industry. It followed the rise and inevitable disintegration of a female pop trio called the Little Ladies (not the Follies as described in the previous comments) and was totally unflinching in its portrayal of the greed, sleaze, egos, illicit sex and drugs and all of the stuff that goes with rock stardom, particularly 1970's rock stardom. The songs themselves are seen in fairly elaborate production numbers and are pretty weak (except for the ass-kicking theme song found at the start of each episode and heard in its entirety at the end of the series), but if this comes on again, do not miss it. It's 13 60 minute episodes long so have the necessary number of tapes at the ready! And if you recall those ads i the late 1970's with a woman turning to the camera and proclaiming "I'm Rula Lenska," this is where you can finally answer the question "Who the #*&@ is Rula Lenska?"