The family portrayed in this movie (and the two previous installments - yes, unbelievably, we watched all three) are a little smarter by the third movie, but overall should not be allowed to live in the wilderness - they are too stupid. True, this is wholesome and the small kids in our family enjoyed it, but it was truly annoying to watch the continuing stream of foolishness. I don't think the father ever shot a single wolf, even though his family was attacked on more than one occasion, but he was real good at shouting, "Get out of here!" and shooting into the air. These folks are lucky they have a dog - that dog has gotten them out of more scrapes, and put his life on the line innumerable times for his "family". I don't know what they would have done if the dog got killed. Oh, I forgot, there was always Samson the bear to save the day, if the dog wasn't around. Every time there was some kind of crisis (and there were plenty of those) the mother would end up crying and saying, "I can't take it anymore."
You should understand, I am totally into family friendly movies, but this one was too much even for me, and it takes a lot to put me over that edge.