"The Cher Show" started after the divorce of Cher and Sonny Bono. It was a music- and Comedyshow, in which Cher always invited famous Gueststars, like Bette Midler or Elton John in the first show, but also Tina Turner, Jerry Lewis, Nancy Walker, Lily Tomlin or Ray Charles were guests of the show. Very interesting are the appearances of Gregg Allman, which became Cher's second husband and father of her son.
Cher used the show to proof that she could succeed in TV also without her ex-husband Sonny, and she did it quite well. She was funny, attractive as usually and sang great duets with other stars like Tina Turner or Ray Charles.
Certainlx the music parts are the better parts of the show. Cher's voice has always been very emotional and special. The combination of her powerful voice, her sexy body and the beautiful Bob Macky dresses made the most important part of the show.
Besides the songs and duets, Cher played in lots of comedy and slapstick appearances with Comedystars like Lily Tomlin, Jerry Lewis or Steve Martin. The most popular part was Cher's role as Laverne, a character she created in her show with Sonny years before.
Cher's show is interesting, because it shows how variable she is. At that time everybody knew her as Popstar, but nobody expected her to become an Academy Award winning actress and the most successful Diva.