In 1973, William Holden starred in the film "The Blue Knight". Now, two years later, the network decided to make a TV series based on the movie, but with George Kennedy playing the lead, Bumper Morgan.
The show is very much like Jack Webb's "Adam-12", as instead of one really big case, the pilot feels more like a variety of cases that a street cop encounters. Yes, there is an overriding theme concerning some illegal guns...but mostly it just shows police procedure.
While I generally like cop and detective shows, I was surprised that this pilot was actually a bit slow...possibly even dull. Not a bad show, and George Kennedy was just fine, but also very little about it stood out for me. For a better show about cops from the same era, I strongly recommend "Police Story"....and apparently folks at the time must have agreed, as "Police Story" had a longer and more successful run. Worth seeing but far from a must-see.