Isabelle Mejias, an under-recognized talent who deserved better material than she received during her brief acting tenure, performs strongly as Julie, a socially disunited young lady with a ravenous Electra complex. Julie harbors malicious and dangerous resentments toward anyone she feels is competing for her father's affections, or who might create a rift within her delusional fantasy world. Hapless potential-victims-to-be are her new step-brother and step-mom(Sybil Danning, upstaged once again by her extremely well-ventilated 36-C juggage).
It's a minor B gem with a brisk pace, mounting suspense, and some pretty grim deaths...JULIE, DARLING was not a boxoffice success, and received a rather limited VHS release. This is a better quality picture than its relative obscurity might suggest, and ripe on the vine for rediscovery.