I first saw this movie when it first came out and I was still in the Army. I enjoyed it then, probably because of Morgan Fairchild but recently saw it again and decided to comment on it, especially after I read some peoples negative reviews.
This movie in my opinion delivers with its plot. There is no doubt that Morgan is being stalked and there is no doubt that the stalker has every intention of getting to Morgan. I thought Morgan Fairchild was very good in this movie, especially when you consider that she was a lot more of an inexperienced actress at the time this movie was made. Andrew Stevens was very good as the stalker and the rest of the cast was fine.
You could certainly remake this movie with a bigger budget and get a very good movie. This movie is not a classic but its certainly a watchable movie. Watching this movie you will get into the plot and you will be wondering what the stalker is going to do next.