I feel like Roy Batty at the end of Blade Runner, because this movie made me see things you people wouldn't believe. I sometimes feel like I've seen it all, after nearly three decades of watching movies and having seen thousands at this point, but The Boxer's Omen is unlike anything else. It's got mixed martial arts, supernatural horror, nightmarish fantasy/mythological elements, and plenty of genuinely disgusting gross-out scenes that genuinely made me feel queasy.
I can't even explain most of the things I just saw. This was a fever dream of a movie, and I don't even know if I really saw some of the things that I think I just saw. This movie just never stops finding bizarre, gross, and creative things to throw at its protagonist and, by extension, its audience. It's a ride that's mostly fun, but at other points feels dangerously deranged, and kind of uncomfortable... but it works, given this is clearly going for horror. While it's not the kind of horror that'll make me struggle to sleep tonight, it is the kind of horror that got a reaction from me.
I know only one person - maybe two people - who I could potentially show this to without them disowning me, and it's the kind of movie where I think I have to show it to someone, just so they can validate it really exists and the things on-screen really did happen. This movie's 104 minutes of utter insanity, and it made me very uncomfortable but I also had a surprisingly good time, so watch it if you think you've seen everything.