The Insiders,a ABC television series that run for one season (1985-1986) starred accomplished actors Stoney Jackson and Nicholas Campbell. The Insiders was billed as an alternative comedic cop show to the more serious and violent Miami Vice, that had broke television nielson ratings the season before (1984-1985). This show unfortunately never offered the viewers nothing new that had not already been seen before on television crime dramas. The jokes by Stoney Jackson wasn't funny at all and Nicholas Campbell was no Don Johnson.
The Insiders might have worked had the shows producers knew from the jump what it wanted the show to be. The movie 48hrs movie had set off a chain reaction of Black and White men buddy situations on both film and television. The Insiders, had it been a 30 minute situation comedy with real locales as was used on the series, it might have lasted longer than it did on television. The viewer is left with a weak imitation of Miami Vice and any buddy cop film ever made.
I give this show a 5 out of 10, only because the two leading actors can really act.