It's been a while since i have seen this movie, but i loved it & i personally think it's hilarious!!! Daniel Stern, Christopher Plummer, Fisher Stevens & Ariele Dombasle all turn in great performances!!!
The scenes which i remember the most are, the one where Fisher Stevens who plays an enthusiastic Photographer is giving Miss Dombasle a massage outside the window while Daniel Stern is sitting on Christopher Plummer's couch ( His Boss ) nervously eating crisps & Mr Plummer has his back to the window, so he doesn't know what is going on lol!!! That was hilarious!!! The scene at the dinner table which involved what i think was either a piece of butter or soft cheese & Miss Dombasle puts it down her bra & replaces it on the table, right in front of everyone, her husband ( The Boss ) is way too busy talking to notice this, at this point Plummer says something about making quite an impression lol!!! She also has her foot under tha table between Sterns legs in this scene!!! It's classic stuff!!!
Fisher Stevens also has a Dog called TIGHT ASS LOL!!! Miss Dombasle also disrobes a lot in this movie as she is trying to seduce Sterns character, she is certainly a sight for sore eyes!!!
I just hope it gets a dvd release soon, i believe it was released by Fox on video so it should do at some point!!! This movie is seriously underated & i'm pretty sure not many people have even heard of it or seen it, it's a pity!!!
I mean look how many reviews there are on here for it, hardly any!!! It deserved more attention that what it got!!!