Come on, you have to admit that this film has a good cast with Debra Winger, Robert Redford, Daryl Hannah, and others in supporting roles like Christine Baranski. I like the fact that it was shot in New York City and not on location somewhere. No offense, Toronto or Vancouver but the backdrop does a good job. Remembering a time when the twin towers was still alive and kicking downtown. I liked the combination of Winger and Redford even though they disliked each other on the set according to rumors. Daryl Hannah plays Chelsea who seeks her father's art from crooked businessmen. She does an adequate job and proves that she's not just a pretty face. Daryl always plays shy very well but in this case, Chelsea is not shy at all. She is a bit rebellious and a performance artist with a fascination for fire. She teams up with Winger's character and later with Redford in more ways than can be said to prove her innocence and get justice served.