charming. quirky. surreal. trippy. sweet. sad. disappointing. rewarding. alluring. intellectual. musical. ENTRANCING!
This show finally nabbed me when I was at someone else's house, and Molly was reporting on an undercover police investigation. This was a chick show, and I'd have been damned if anyone caught me enjoying a chick show. But the quirky comedy was just my style. I was hooked. Obviously influential on the self-satisfied Ally McBeal, Molly Dodd is in serious need or some new time in syndication.
Molly's middle-of-the-night chats with her dearly departed dad.
Marion Ross playing the role of her overly-concerned mother.
Her all-knowing doorman.
Perpetually unlucky in love.
Bizarre fantasy sequences.
Her neighbors (Ron [who later turned up in 'Mad About You'] reading the paper, and the back page headline shouting "Ron Wants Out" when their marriage was crumbling.)
Gut-wrenching loss (anaphylactic shock.)
Hope from despairing loss.
David Strathairn.
New York.
Lordy, I miss this show!