So people are falling all over themselves saying how great this little film is. Really? Because the best way to eradicate racism is to act in ways which confirm racist stereotypes?
Needless to say, I disagree with the praise heaped on this short work, which I frankly found rather petty. The old lady probably has tons of issues, but even if you want to categorically denounce her as a racist, how does the Schwarzfahrer's behavior do anything to help improve the situation of other black persons? Answer: it does not. (Just like virtue signaling, which accomplishes nothing beyond allowing the person emoting to feel smugly superior to those whom they denounce.)
So the guy gets a short-term feeling of revenge. Big deal. It helps no one. Why? Because the lady will just regale all of her racist friends with the tale of how one of these horrible immigrants did her wrong. And she will not be telling a lie. Then they will all take this sort of anecdote and run with it, embellishing and perpetuating all of the racial stereotypes which they have long held. They all have their stories. This is how to start one, not to eradicate racism.