"La Scorta" is a film about a group of Italian police officers that has to protect a judge from mafia killers. A very simple story, but effectively made with great young actors who understand to give life to their roles, especially main actor and squad leader Claudio Amendola.
Director Ricky Tognazzi, son of famous Italian actor Ugo Tognazzi, also focuses on the private lives and problems of the squad members as well as on a critical view on the corrupt Italian society controlled by the mafia in many ways. Additionally it's very thrilling and powerful all the time, with a great sound track by legendary Ennio Morricone and with the policemen always high on emotion, just waiting for the next sniper or car bomb just around the corner.
As in many Italian mafia movies, there is no happy end and there are no big main villains to track down, but it's rather a question of escaping from an invisible and almighty power that rules everything. Watch this entertaining and very thrilling cop movie that stands for the powerful new Italian cinema of the nineties!