This film begins in Los Angeles with a male and female robber entering a convenience store. Things quickly spiral out of control and soon both the store clerk and the female accomplice are shot and killed. A Los Angeles police detective by the name of "Nick Carter" (Robert Eastwick) is also shot and wounded. Three months later, Nick is still suspended pending an investigation and needing to get out of the office for a few days decides to meet up with his girlfriend "Miranda Cross" (Michele Brin) who is in the Mojave Desert working on a photo shoot. What he doesn't know is that an unstable criminal named "Carl Jaeger" (Eric Paul) who he helped to convict for rape and murder has recently been released from prison pending a new trial and is looking to settle scores with him in the worst possible way. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a low-budget soft-core porn film which suffered from both poor acting and rather dull sex scenes. Admittedly, there were a couple of attractive actresses and models but even so this wasn't enough to compel me to rate this below average film any higher than I have.