SWAT cop Jeff Speakman comes home one night to find his sister dead and so when the suspect is caught and is given the death penalty, Speakman gets sad, however when he hears that the killer might get out of the death penalty he gets ticked off and so Speakman breaks into the jail to execute the guy himself. The serial killer played by Michael Shaner is so transparently mean spirited and just around obvious manipulative that it's fairly contrived to think that someone would buy into his story that he is mentally unstable. The Expert does feature some well staged action sequences but the reason why I didn't care for this flick was that it clearly didn't know what it wants to be. Is it exploring capital punishment (because there are people that get the chair even though they're sorry and there is an innocent man who is on death row.) ? Is it about how to cope with a murder that hits too close to home or is it a revenge thriller about what happens when justice doesn't prevail. However without a stance to take, The Expert pretty much talks itself in corners and every action sequence seems to be out of place, while the politics are so heavy handed that they seem too overwrought to really convince. In other words The Expert has too much on it's plate and for the action crowd this only provides the bare minimum action while for fans of movies that get political, will be disappointed by the lack of a stance taken. The movie itself has a few interesting elements but typically the messy plot got in the way of the revenge plot. Fans of Speakman should find something to like but after this flick he seemed to disappear into obscurity.
* * out of 4-(Fair)