Although in the short description of the movie it says Shaughnessy becomes a sheriff in a small town, he actually became a town marshall. Trivial, yes.
I watched the movie on Encore, mainly because I like westerns, having been born and raised in the west. I can even ride a horse, or at least I used to. But I digress.
It was obviously made for TV, as the breaks were quite obvious (Encore showed it without breaks). The notion of the outsider (in this case an Irish lad in the 19th century) going west for one reason or another has become somewhat of a cliché, but if the writing and acting are good you can ignore this. I thought it was definitely an OK movie, although I probably wouldn't have gone to see it in a theatre. On the other hand, there are a lot of worse movies being made even at this time.
The movie was certainly meant to be followed by a sequel (please pardon the redundancy) and I can only wonder if one was made. I would certainly watch it if there is one.
Please pardon the format, but this is the first review I've written in a long long time.
Submitted for your approval (please forgive me, Rod Serling),
Albert Hernhuter