In the 90's, Christopher Walken's career (like many actors) had slipped into the b-movie realm. It was during this time he appeared in the first three Prophecy films. The first carried a pretty serious religious tone in the battle of good vs evil. This second entry is lighter fare, but still provides a game Walken who's a lot of fun to watch and some faces in the supporting cast help.
Mild mannered & religious nurse Valerie (Jennifer Beals) appears to hit Danyael (Russell Wong) with her car. She's apologetic naturally, but also feels a bond and warmth with him. Not knowing that he's an angel, Danyeal impregnates her. Soon she realizes that her unborn child is the key to the ongoing battle over heaven as Lucifer unleashes fallen angel Gabriel (Walken) back onto Earth from the depths of hell. Who'll do anything he can to stop this baby from happening.
Quite a few people think that Walken is hamming it up here. I disagree. It's a more fun & lively go at it than before. With a brisk 80 minute runtime, 'Prophecy II' isn't the serious epic that the original film was trying to be. That however doesn't stop it from being decent. There's a good mix of funny moments, dark territory and doses of violence.
You get an early role for Brittany Murphy as another one of Gabriel's "monkey" lackeys. Steve Hytner (Bania from Seinfeld) continues as the medical examiner. Beals & Wong do their jobs while Eric Roberts doesn't make much of an impact in a quick role as a good angel. B-movie buffs can catch Bruce Abbott (Re-Animator) taking over the role of Thomas Daggett from Elias Koteas too.
As you'll see here (and in the next sequel), this series never let actors not reprising their roles stop characters from reappearing. I enjoyed 'Prophecy II' quite a bit on a popcorn level. It's not heavy handed, deep with the religious tones. Doesn't take itself too seriously and Walken continues tapping into a great character here.