I admit, I'm not even remotely a Troma fan! I think they're dumb ugly films and have never seen the appeal. For that reason I wasn't exactly the demographic for this going in.
Here we see Troma do a spoof of your traditional slasher flick. We have a group of 20 somethings go camping in the forest, a mixed bag of your traditional stereotypes and they fall foul of serial killer.
To the films credit the killer is fairly interesting, a jovial fellow who skips along and uses all manner of weapons to dispose of his prey.
Further to the films credit there are some laughs to be had, I personally for example laughed out loud at the opening sequence.
Sadly that really is all I can say in favour of the film. Alike every other Troma movie it looks ugly, it sounds dreadful and for every good joke there are a dozen more that simply aren't funny.
Troma just isn't my thing, never has been and likely never will. It's dumb fun, without the fun.
The Good:
Has a few laughs
The Bad:
Looks like crap
Sounds like an early VHS
Mostly unfunny nonsense
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
When caught in a bear trap use your machete on your leg instead of the trap. Duh!
Vibrators make great drink stirrers
Limbs are like lego bricks, they just clip back on