Hollywood Zap is the story of a young southern man (nicknamed 'Downer') and his search for his missing dad. Along the way he meets Nash, a costume-wearing ex-wall street agent who now makes his living beating punks at Zaxxon, a completely random 80's video game. The two form a father-son/love-hate relationship, and along the way Downer must overcome the machinations of Porky, a sex-predator uncle, an evil slumlady, a knunchuck-wielding midget, and a bimbo out to exploit his talent. Downer's quest confronts questions of sexuality, urbanization, and whether or not one is doomed to live in the shadow of one's father. Including one of the most unpredictable twists in film history, Hollywood Zap ends like a happy Henry James novel, with Downer's real need finally quenched.